Gartner Futures Lab Podcast

The Future of Creativity

Episode Summary

With the explosion of generative AI in content creation tools, creators and consumers of content will have exceeding expectations of hyperpersonalized experiences. In this episode of Gartner Futures Lab, we discuss what future scenarios we could anticipate by learning from the creative process.

Episode Notes

Over the next few years, content creators and consumers will encounter exponential changes in types of hyperpersonalized experiences, as well as in the speed and ease that those will be created and deployed. Some of those experiences are already being represented in pop culture in the forms of videos, photos, stories and design fiction — creating speculative design prototypes of the future.

In this episode of the Gartner Futures Lab Podcast, host Marty Resnick speaks with Dr. Gavin Miller, the head of Adobe Research, about imagining expected changes of the creative process and tools, and how creatives will influence the experiences of tomorrow.

Dr. Gavin Miller leads Adobe Research — bringing computer graphics, computer vision and big data analytics techniques to life with groundbreaking research through the lens of advancements like augmented reality /immersive media, AI and robots to understand the creative landscape oftomorrow. During his 25 years at Adobe, Gavin founded one of the company’s innovation labs, which spans the range of media intelligence to creative design, unlocking a new type of canvas that brings technology alive with AI and beyond. Gavin holds a degree from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in computer aided manufacture and computer graphics. Gavin has more than 30 years of engineering experience, which includes pioneering a special effects software for Alias Research and building interactive multimedia and 3D animation for Apple. He has won numerous awards for his experimental animations and is well-known for his creation of a series of experimental snake robots — one of which was the usher at his wedding.