Gartner Futures Lab Podcast

7 Disruptions You Might Not See Coming

Episode Summary

Disruptive ideas and technologies have the potential to upend business as usual across a range of markets. In this episode of Gartner Futures Lab, we discuss which disruptions listeners should familiarize themselves with to understand the threats and opportunities they present.

Episode Notes

The seven disruptions examined in this podcast stem from a wide variety of backgrounds, and at face value, have little in common. Some are relatively “new” and some have been “brewing” for a while.

In this episode of the Gartner Futures Lab Podcast, host Marty Resnick sits down with Gartner Distinguished Vice President, Fellow, and co-lead of the Gartner Futures Lab, Daryl Plummer to talk about disruptions that have the potential to herald fundamental change. Fundamental shifts are more rare than simple technologically driven change. They can start small and grow to be quite pervasive. Some of these disruptions include: